Some more projects tagged under: Daniela Brasil.
Des Kaisers neue Kleider/ The Emperor’s New Clothes
Studienkabinett // The School of the We
Homeostasis/ between borders and flows
Ayüük*Kürbis collaborative chocolate in Oaxaca
Multigenerational Architecture School/ MARS 02 Neuberg College
i am river, i am land. now i know
Multigenerational Architecture School / MARS 01 Kronesgasse
The Emancipatory Learning Project
House of Open Gates – Narratives of the Arrival City
Aperitivo Canino / Giardino Ammirato
Tracing: mapping the body in the territory
Design your free local menu! X Bienal de Arquitetura de São Paulo
NPEP – Nice Places Exploration Program
AQUATOPIA – the children’s research submarine
Class Room – Transnational Guerilla Art School
Admissions Office – Transnational Guerilla Art School
Practice-based PhD – Daniela Brasil, Weimar 2011.
KoCA-Inn: a 2 week occupation of the Kiosk of Contemporary Art in Weimar
No Fon, No Fax, No Mail – Komm!