Homeostasis/ between borders and flows
Daily Rhythms Collective (Daniela Brasil, Nayarí Castillo)
Graz Kulturjahr 2020
October 2019–September 2021
in collaboration with the Afro-Asian Institute, Graz
Participants: Abelina Holzer, Abiona Esther Ojo, Antonio Briceño, Clarissa Rêgo, Daniela Brasil, Evelyn Tschernko, ILA, Julio Loiza, Katcha Bilek, Lisa Reiter, Nayarí Castillo, Otto Oscar Hernández, Peninah Lesorogol, Pinon and Mayra Tatuyo, Ramon Barros, Studio Magic/ Christian Meixner, Judith Urschler, Max Kieninger, Patricia Wess, Thomas Kain, Thomas Kalcher/
Photographic Documentation: Karin Lernbeiss, Nikola Milatović

Roundabouts: Amazon Rainforest & Grazer Highway
Homeostasis is the mechanism by which organisms or systems sustain balance, or return to balance when needed. This natural regulation engine aims in maintaining a dynamic equilibrium while evidencing the interrelatedness of all the parts that constitute the natural machine. This project proposes the phenomenon of Homeostasis as a metaphor to address the actual need to restore balance within our complex living environments – or the entanglements of individual and collective bodies and actions, human and other-than-human, borders and flows, on the local and global levels. It establishes an expanded artistic/ pedagogical format to bring together local and international artists, ecologists, urbanists, and earth-rights defenders to reimagine the entanglements of ecology and urbanity while debating and co-creating artistic works in forgotten spaces.
Homeostasis focuses on spaces on the edges of Graz — micro-forests and green areas circumscribed by highways roundabouts, located near the city’s borders; using them as physical exploration devices to inquire around systemic change, and indispensable alterations to the ways we see, behave and act within nature. On those spaces, life-flows do not follow the standardly imposed administrative borders. These artificial lines have been historically a topic of conflict within political, urbanistic, and ecological discourses, as they do not follow the coherent mechanism of regulation of ecosystems. Concepts as “making kin” and “urban metabolism”, essential references for the research, debate, and artistic outputs, will be formulated and speculated upon, expanding our senses of (inter)connection in a post-human world.
PUBLIC INTERVENTIONS A2 SüdAutobahn, Graz, exit Raaba/ St. Peter
Spring/ Summer 2021
>>>> Philetairus socius or the Sociable Weaver, sculpture created in the co-creation workshop Entanglements
>>>> Gods of America – Natural Pantheon, by Antonio Briceño, Kumañí – The great mother (Ana Rosa Pérez), 2012 Pumé people, Venezuela – The Keeper of the Pathways; Botoqué – Owner of Fire (Kupato) Kayapó people, Brazil – 2006
>>>>> Summen, Otto Oscar Hernandez & Clarissa Rego
A2 SüdAutobahn, Rastplatz Laßnitzhöhe, 2020
>>>> Trümmern, Otto Oscar Hernandez
Steinbruch, Gratkorn, 2021
with the generous support of Stadt Graz Kultur