Co-creation workshop / Graz, 23-30 June 2021
Exhibition 01. July – 9. September 2021
co-production: Afro-Asian Institute Graz/ Daily Rhythms Collective
concept and coordination: Evelyn Tschernko, Daniela Brasil and Lisa Reiter
participants: Abelina Holzer, Antonio Briceño, Clarissa Rêgo, Daily Rhythms Collective (Daniela Brasil, Katcha Bilek, Nayarí Castillo), Afro-Asiatisches Institut (Evelyn Tschernko) Esther Abiona Ojo, ILA, Karin Lernbeiss, Lisa Reiter, Otto Oscar Hernández, Peninah Lesorogol
photography: Nikola Milatović
these events are part of the project:
The Entanglements Co-Creation Workshop is a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary space for experimentation, exploring forms of weaving that enable the building of deeper relationships and critical questions to our society. It seeks more balanced and regenerative ways of living together – between the human and the non-human, the sacred and the scientific, beyond the boundaries that systems of oppression and competition continually impose on us. Participants were invited to bring their own personal biographies and struggles into the space, therefore we used sensorial and sensible practices of tuning in, and aligning our personal researches and interest towards the co-production of artistic outcomes that weave our investigative (un)learning processes.
This year we focused on indigenous cosmogonies, particularly on Antonio Briceño photographic work on the indigenous Gods and Goddesses in the Americas, that aligned with our research on the Kayapó people of Xingu (see the Restitution of the Lukesch Collection); as well as on Peninah”s personal stories on the current threath the Samburu people are facing. Also, the cross-Atlantic triangulation on Yorubá ancestralities, found among Daniela, Esther and Otto, an issue that brings Brazilian, Nigerian and Cuban cultures close by. In this way, we worked on the traces, infra-structures, and limitations imposed on territories in Graz, in the rainforest and in the savannas; we discussed the interconnectedness of the extractivist and exploitative systems and our need to heal our relationships with the land, with our ancestors, with the sacred.
For the exhibition, we created a spatial installation to host these conversations: i yõ kikre // Lichtung, a circular space called „my home“ in Kayapó language. It is made of threads and limestones collected from the stone quarry in Gratkorn, the same location for the performance / video work Trummer.
this project is funded by: STADTGRAZ KULTUR